Meter Overview

Written by Ollie Chapman
Updated 8 months ago

The Meter Overview section can provide a quick overview of a specific meter, including it's location, installation notes, meter readings, & any other useful information about it including images.

These sections are part of SUMS initiative to move beyond charts & tables to provide utility insights in the most intuitive manner. We are actively building out this section to eventually include a "meter feed" that will include insights, alerts, reports, and other noteworthy items about the meter.

For now, the meter overview sections is where we will include any installation notes & pictures as well as the meter readings & related media.

Navigating to the Overview Sections

You can access this page by clicking on the "right icon" in the meter selection panel, or in the meter list table in the settings.

The Overview

The Overview section has been designed so members can quickly find information about the meter. The lefthand side will contain notes on the meters location, while the righthand side will be dedicated a feed of information about recent updates on the meter. This includes any meter readings, any notes (including installation notes), triggered alerts, reports that have been generated, and eventually automated insights. 

Please note that the meter feed is being actively worked on and is coming soon.

Meter Readings

The meter readings tab is where you can create manual meter reads or find previous reads documented by yourself or the SUMS team.

To learn more about creating reads go to 'Adding Reads & Notes' article.

Meter Notes

The meter notes tab is where you can create any notes & images on the logger installation, maintenance, or other meter related notes that should be documented.

To learn more about creating notes go to 'Adding Reads & Notes' article.

The most recent installation note will be pinned on the main Overview tab for convenience.

When a note or reading is added, it will appear in the meter feed so you can get all the useful information in one spot.

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